Led by Caroline Blais and Daniel Fiset, the social and visual perception laboratory of the Université du Québec en Outaouais (LPVS-UQO) aims to better understand the cognitive, neuropsychological and neurophysiological basis of visual cognition.
Our work uses primarily psychophysical methods to reveal the functioning of the visual brain and its role in the recognition of natural stimuli such as faces and written words.
In addition to behavioral studies with healthy adult participants, our work aims to better understand the impact of different brain lesions on behaviour and perception. Collaborative work is also underway in the field of human electrophysiology. Current projects are focusing on the visual processing mechanisms of faces, letters and written words therefore attempting to comprehend how experience, skills, culture and personality traits influence these mechanisms.
Our various projects are currently funded by NSERC, SSHRC, FRQSC and institutional funds.
graphic design Lukasz Bober