DPs Students

Anthony Proulx

Clinical Neuropsychology Grad Student (DPsy)

Département de psychologie et psychoéducationUQO

Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award

Recipient of NSERC scholarship (CGS-M)

Research interest:

  • Honour thesis: The impact of ethnicity on the perceptual strategies used by the brain in face recognition. 

Email: proa28@uqo.ca

Vicki Ledrou-Paquet

Clinical Neuropsychology Grad Student (DPsy)

Département de psychologie et psychoéducationUQO
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award

Recipient of the Research Scholarship FRQNT (B1) and the SSHRC Scholarship (CGS M)

Researsh interest:

  • Honour thesis: Expert face recognition strategies measured using removal by repetition.

Email: ledv07@uqo.ca

Pierre-Louis Audette

Clinical Neuropsychology Grad Student (DPsy)

Département de psychologie et psychoéducationUQO

Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award

Recipient of the Research Scholarship FRQNT (B1) and the NSERC Scholarship (CGS M)

Research interest:

  • Honour thesis: Does perceptual integration predict face recognition skills?
  • Doctoral essay: Parametric study of N170 sensitivity to the amount of diagnostic information in face identification


Email: audp02@uqo.ca

Marie-Claude Desjardins

Clinical Neuropsychology Grad Student (DPsy)
Département de psychologie et psychoéducationUQO
In co-direction with Sara Tremblay
Récipiendaire de la Bourse de Recherche de 1er Cycle du CRSNG
Récipiendaire de la Bourse de maitrise en recherche du FRQNT (B1)
Récipiendaire de la Bourse de recherche du CRSNG (ES-D)

Research interests:

  • Honour thesis: The impact of HD-tDCS on empathic ability and visual processing of facial expressions of pain.
  • Doctoral essay: The role of the right inferior frontal gyrus on empathic abilities and the detection of facial expressions of pain: a study of repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Email: desm209@uqo.ca

Danielle Samson

Clinical Psychology Grad Student (DPsy)
Département de psychologie et psychoéducationUQO
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award

Recipient of the SSHRC Scholarship (CGS M)

Research interest:

  • Honour thesis: Methodological validation of a measure of expectations regarding the intensity of emotional facial expression
  • Doctoral essay: Exploration of cultural specificities and similarities among reported situational contexts in 8 cultural regions for the emotions of joy and anger

Email: samd07@uqo.ca

Kim Calvé

Clinical Neuropsychology Grad Student (DPsy)
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
In co-direction with Sara Tremblay
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award
Recipient of NSERC scholarship (CGS-M)

Research interest:

  • Doctoral essay: The role of the OFA in face processing: a study linking TMS and psychophysics


Email: calk02 [@] uqo.ca

Philippe Brandon Njomo Ngassa

Clinical Neuropsychology Grad Student (DPsy)
Département de psychologie et psychoéducationUQO 
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award

Research interests:

  • Honour thesis: New method for measuring racial biases and its link with scores in a ‘first-person shooter task’.
  • Doctoral essay: The underestimation of pain experienced by African Americans: perceptual or linked to dehumanization and racism towards them?


Email: njop01 [@] uqo.ca