Several LPVS students headed to Florida in May 2023 to attend the Vision Science Society conference. These students are :
Arianne Richer and her presentation: Gender differences in the encoding and decoding of pain facial expressions [image]
Anthony Proulx and his presentation: Identifying Other-Race Faces: It’s Less in the Eyes [image]
Marie-Pier Plouffe-Demers and her presentation: Ethnicity and pain recognition: unravelling confusion patterns in facial expressions [image]
Jérémy Lamontagne and his presentation: Wavelet-based image decomposition affects SSVEP signal amplitude for face identification [image]
Francis Gingras and his presentation: Exploring Cultural Differences in Spatial Frequency and Orientation Tunings for Face Perception [image]
Laurianne Côté and her presentation: An online replication of the association between face processing abilities and the amount of visual information required to identify a face [image]
Isabelle Charbonneau and her presentation: Exploring Visual Strategies and their Electrophysiological Correlates in Same and Other-Race Face Processing [image]
Pierre-Louis Audette and his presentation: N170 and N250 sensitivity to diagnostic facial information during whole-face recognition [image]