Camille Saumure
Fribourg University
Research interests:
- PhD thesis:
- Pain facial expressions
Completed with LPVS:
Doctorate in clinical neuropsychology (DPsy)
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
Recipient of Joseph-Armand Bombardier’s postgraduate Canadian scholarship from the Council of Human Sciences Research (SSHRC)
Doctoral essay:
The culture impact on visual strategies underlying the treatment of pain facial expressions.
Émilie St-Pierre
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
In co-direction with Annie Bérubé
Recipient of NSERC scholarship (PGS-D)
Research interests:
- The impact of maltreatment on the conceptualization and perception of facial emotions
- The impact of language development on emotion recognition
- Neural representations of facial emotion categories
- The effect of traumatic experiences on physiological response
- PhD thesis: The impact of maltreatment on the conceptualization and perception of facial emotions
Jérémy Lamontagne
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
uOttawa entrance scholarship
uOttawa Merit Scholarship
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award
Recipient of the Research Scholarship FRQNT (B1X)
Research interests:
- Honour thesis: The N250 as an index of visual information extraction in faces.
Arianne Richer
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award
Research interest:
- The time course of neural mechanisms underlying visual perception of faces.
- Mental and neural representations of facial expressions of pain.
- Honour thesis: Size of the perceptual window used for optimal face processing.
- PhD thesis: Mental representations and temporal dynamics of social and emotional processing of faces.
Marie-Pier Plouffe-Demers
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
Département de psychologie, UQAM
Recipient of the Research Scholarship FRQNT (B1)
Recipient of the SSHRC Scholarship (CGS M)
Recipient of SSHRC scholarship (PGS-D)
Research interests:
- PhD thesis: The impact of individual factors (sex, empathy) and culture on the perceptive and neural mechanisms underlying the perception of pain in others.
- Honour thesis: Perceptive mechanisms underlying the processing of static and dynamic facial expressions.
- The impact of ethnic bias on perceptive mechanisms and behaviors.
- The use of Reverse correlation to reveal body image disturbance.
Laurianne Côté
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award
Recipient of the Research Scholarship FRQNT (B1X)
Research interest:
- The effect of ethnicity and face orientation on SSVEP amplitude.
- The effect of image decomposition on SSVEP signal amplitude.
- Mechanisms of feature processing.
- The usefulness of different facial parts in gender categorization, emotion categorization and identification tasks.
- Individual differences of the electrophysiological signal in face part processing.
- Investigation of spatial frequencies and information used for face detection vs. identification.
- Impact of the Other Race Effect (ORE) on emotion and gender categorization in electrophysiology.
- Honour thesis: Effect of face ethnicity on visual evoked potentials in periodic presentation.
Alex Cousineau
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
2nd place in NeurQAM’s popular science contest
2nd place in GNS’s popular science contest
Research interests:
- Cultural differences in the processing of spatial frequencies in face and object perception.
- Cultural differences in the processing of spatial orientations in face and object perception.
- The impact of the expertise effect on perceptual mechanisms in object recognition.
- Honour thesis: The Impact of Culture on the Processing of Spatial Frequencies during the Recognition of Homogenous Objects.
Guillaume Lalonde-Beaudoin
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award
Recipient of NSERC scholarship (PGS-D)
Research interests:
- Perceptual mechanisms underlying the face recognition process
- Learning process
- Honour thesis: Extraction of spatial orientations in reading and its link with face identification
Email: lalg06 [@]
Joël Guérette
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
Recipient of the FRQSC Research Awards (B1 & B2)
Research interests:
- Cognitive bias and decisional processes in sports
- Impact of social factors on participation in physical activity
- Promotion of physical activity
- Motivation and modification of movement habits
- Honour thesis: Impact of a coach’s ‘forceful’ intervention on a plate umpire’s subsequent decisions in baseball
- PhD thesis: The influence of social forces on sports referees’ decision making.
Email: joel.guerette [@]
Francis Gingras
PhD candidate in Psychology
Département de psychologie et psychoéducation, UQO
Département de psychologie, UQAM
Recipient of NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Award
Recipient of NSERC scholarship (CGS-M)
Recipient of NSERC scholarship (PGS-D)
2nd place in NeurQAM’s popular science contest
Research interests:
- Cultural differences in visual representations of facial expression
- Honour thesis: Evaluating trustworthiness: differences in mental representations as a function of face ethnicity
- PhD thesis: Impact of culture on the visual processing of social and non-social objects
Amélie Roberge
PhD candidate in Psychology – Research and Intervention (RI)
Département de psychologie , UQTR
Research interests:
- Facial expression recognition and underlying mechanisms
- Attentional resources and cognitive limits
- Impact of ethnicity and gender on facial expression processing